Five decades later, development corridors are still in the field of ideas

The Government reiterated its development agenda in terms of transport corridors in the country. This time, the commitment was made to the World Bank mission that was carrying out an eight-day visit to the country over the last two weeks as part of the Green and Resilient Trade Key Corridors Project, focusing on the “Key Corridor Project” that extends from the Port of Maputo to Gauteng, in the Republic of South Africa.

In a working meeting held with the Bank’s mission, the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Eng. Amilton Alissone, conveyed to the World Bank staff the Government’s commitment to the implementation of the Project1 , within the sector’s vision of establishing structural reforms to transform Mozambique’s main transport corridors into development corridors, along which industry, agriculture, tourism and other activities are developed that fully exploit the installed potential to generate employment and income for the economic and social development of the country and the region.

Previous Cinco décadas depois, corredores de desenvolvimento ainda continuam no campo das ideias